Streamline Flight Support
О компании Стримлайн
Стримлайн - эксперт в области организации наземного обслуживания и обеспечения полётов вне расписания. Компания обслуживает рейсы деловой авиации, включая частные, корпоративные и правительственные полёты, коммерческие пассажирские и грузовые чартеры, перегонные и медицинские рейсы, а также гуманитарные миссии и частные экспедиции.

Компания основана в 1991 году и является первопроходцем на рынке обслуживания рейсов бизнес-авиации в России. На сегодняшний день послужной список компании состоит из тысяч ответственных миссий не только в России, но и за рубежом.

Компания оказывает услуги по всему миру, в особенности - в России и странах СНГ, где опирается на собственную сеть региональных представителей и долгосрочные отношения с местными поставщиками услуг в 130 аэропортах.

Компания Стримлайн с момента создания принимала активное участие в становлении рынка бизнес-авиации в России. Будучи членом Европейской ассоциации бизнес-авиации с 1993 года, компания активно перенимала передовой опыт и лучшие практики у своих зарубежных коллег. На сегодняшний день компания Стримлайн является членом российской Объединённой национальной ассоциации деловой авиации и продолжает принимать непосредственное участие в развитии авиационной отрасли России.
Наши услуги
Получение разрешений авиационных властей на пролёт и посадку
Получение аэропортовых слотов для взлёта-посадки и стоянки воздушного судна
Наземное обслуживание
Организация и контроль перронного обслуживания воздушного судна
Заправка топливом
Контрактные цены на авиакеросин и авиабензин, таможенная очистка
Штурманское обеспечение
Расчёт оптимального маршрута, составление и подача флайт-плана, подготовка штурманского расчёта, предоставление МЕТЕО и НОТАМ
Подача API
Предоставление предварительной информации о пассажирах авиационным властям
Организация услуг лидировщика при полётах в немеждународные аэропорты России и стран СНГ
Обслуживание пассажиров
Организация обслуживания пассажиров и экипажей через терминал бизнес-авиации, ВИП-зал или через отдельные стойки регистрации
Бортовое питание
Широкий выбор поставщиков питания, соответствующих строгим стандартам качества
Комфорт и безопасность на земле для пассажиров и экипажей
Визовая поддержка
Оформление виз членам экипажей, предоставление деловых приглашений и туристических ваучеров
Взаиморасчеты в один приём
Оплата всех услуг по маршруту единым счётом, кредитная линия для лояльных клиентов
Запросить расчёт стоимости
Для этого нам нужно всего несколько деталей
Наши клиенты
We would like to thank you for your kind co-operation, before and during our flight operation to [Saint Petersburg] LED Airport.
It is especially reported by our Sales Manager Mr. Erkin Dönmez, we would like to express special thanks to Supervisor Mr. Anton for his kind effort and helpful actions during the flight operation.

Ramazan Özbek
Contracts Specialist, Freebird Airlines
We would like to express our deep appreciation to our partner Streamline Ops. Not only during the World Football Championship in 2018, but also for other events we are always offered your highest level of service. The service is always very professional, reliable and of high quality.

To name a few airports where we were offered excellent passenger representation services: Kharkov, St. Petersburg, Sochi, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod, Kazan, Samara, Rostov and Yekaterinburg.

We can strongly recommend Streamline as an expert in providing operational services for all aircraft and also passengers. We look forward to a further close relationship.

Sergej Drobjasko
Commercial Jets Manager, Air Partner
With reference to our charter flights during the period of the Olympic Winter games in Sochi, Edelweiss would like to thank Streamline Ops for your support and help!

We understand quite well the problems you had to face for the logistic and operation of all these flights for a little airport like Sochi is. Due to these limitations we are happy and satisfied that our operations went well without any extreme delay.

Hope on a further good cooperation for any future flights.

Gerard Witjes
Duty Manager Ground Operations, Edelweiss Air AG
I confirm that FCG (Flight Consulting Group) Ltd. has dealt with Streamline OPS since more than 10 years, during which time they have provided our business with excellent support in the areas of flight support in Russia and ground handling supervision CIS-wide.

I can confidently recommend Streamline as a solid and reliable company, and experts in their field.

Roman Starkov
Charman of the Board, FCG (Flight Consulting Group) Ltd
I understand from my colleagues that your team kindly assisted with a last minute revision to a permit for the flight [...]. I wanted to e-mail and pass on my personal thanks to your operations team for all the help and assistance with this last minute request. This kind of assistance enables both Jeppesen and our customer to continue to operate without any problems, and is very much appreciated.

Ian Humphrey
Vendor Relations Manager - Eastern Europe, Russia and Africa
Your team apparently did a great job in handling Hawker **-*** at Sochi on 03Feb and also today. The aircraft moved on time on both occasions and the owner, a member of the Australian Olympic Committee, was very pleased.

Steve Barker
Specialist Services Manager, Flightworx Aviation Ltd
Generally we at operations are very pleased with the very quick response times to all of our requests and the service and quality we got from you. We would like to thank you again for the support we got during the last few weeks from you and we hope to use your services again in the near future.

Alois Benz
Senior Dispatcher, Jet-Link AG
Your ops did very good job today while obtaining short notice permit for our tomorrow's Kaliningrad flight. Thank you and I hope we will continue in our long lasting cooperation.

Pavel Nadenicek
Flight Dispatcher, Grossmann Jet Service s.r.o.
Streamline OPS consistently provides both JEPPESEN and our customers with a high standard of service and support. The staff are knowledgeable about the regions they working with and the company has good relationships with the local ground handling companies and authorities.

Streamline OPS' flexibility to coordinate services for all flight types and ability to handle even the most difficult requests makes it a pleasure to work with them. As a result Streamline OPS is a member of the JEPPESEN Preferred Handler Network at a numerous locations in their dedicated region.

It is very reassuring for our customers, when operating to remote locations and countries that they may not have visited before, to have a reliable Ground Handling company such as Streamline OPS to support them. We look forward to continuing to work with Streamline OPS.

Annette Payne
Handler Relations Manager, Jeppesen
We would like to express our heartfelt appreciation for the excellent quality of service that you have provided us for the past two and a half years. Your reliable flight support networks in the CIS countries have been a big help to the smooth flow of our operations in the region. We are quite confident that we can always count on you to provide our flight requirements.

With this, we wish you more power and success in your business endeavors and we hope our relationship will grow to be more mutually beneficial than ever before.

Thank you!

Sanjar Erkinboev
Commercial Director, Palm Aviation FZCO